A New Cohesive theory of everything.

Copresumy, the true force in the cosmos, that of Dark Matter.


NEWTON’S (and Einstein’s) ERROR.         By Dr Mark Rumble M.B., Ch.B., M.A. (pdf at end of document)




On Sunday 12th September 1999, the “Sunday Times” published and article declaring Isaac Newton to be the “man of the millennium”. There was some dissent, inevitably, between various experts. Brian Moynahan, writer and historian, proposed Roger Bacon, and Prof. Colin Jones of Warwick University proposed Rousseau. Other possibles included Napoleon, Darwin, Karl Marx, Edison and Freud. The consensus though was that Newton’s laws of motion and of gravitation, his development of calculus, and his use of mathematics had the most influence upon the changing world in this millennium. (By comparison the previous millennia had thrown up Jesus Christ; Plato and Aristotle.) Albert Einstein was named by Time Magasine in December 1999 as their “man of the century”, and an article 9th May 2005 in the same magasine, marks the 100th anniversary of his special theory of relativity. “A storm broke loose in my mind” he said, but unfortunately it was an ill wind. It is now easy enough to disprove his theories, which do not correlate to simple observed facts, such as the absence of an actual measureable gravitational force, the two tides every day, the orbit of the moon, the orbits of the comets, the  refraction of light, Saturn’s rings, microwaves, the sun’s corona, the visibility of stars at infinite distance, pressure at depth in the sea, all would be impossible if we stick to Einstein and Newton’s ideas. To explain these phenomena, and that of inertia, we must discard their ideas entirely. Einstein has been dead 50 years; it is time to reveal the truth.


How would it be though if Newton’s theory of gravitation – action at a distance- is untrue.


Newton is famously described as observing an apple to fall to the ground in his orchard. He correctly reasoned that that there must be a force acting upon it. He discarded the ideas of Descartes and Huygens, and proposed a force of attraction between all objects, proportional to their mass, acting at a distance. There was a straight choice as to whether the apple was pulled by the earth or pushed from space by the ether. For three hundred years Newton’s idea has held sway, but does not hold up to scrutiny in the modern world of cellphones and spacecraft. There are now a multitude of reasons why this theory cannot be correct.


Newton was extraordinarily concerned with his own importance and so concerned that his ideas might be stolen, that he kept them very secret for years. Nowadays, ideas must be publicised so that they can be tested and verified. If they do not stand up to scrutiny then they must be rejected.


Even Newton’s basic idea - that of an invisible attractive force, acting upon the planets, was not entirely his own, and was simultaneously proposed by Robert Hooke, but Newton took the idea further and applied it to all objects , large and small, and gained credence by describing the forces mathematically. Mathematics are descriptive and hold to this day in calculating the planetary orbits as accurately as possible. The mathematics are not perfect though, and continuous correction from observation is required. Nevertheless, no-one has ever bettered Newton’s mechanical equations. Hooke propounded before Newton, the idea of Universal Gravitation, but was unable to put forward the mathematical description.


The Paradox

A theory involving dark matter, the ether of the ancients is now the only way forward in the face of so many new findings that cannot be explained by action at a distance or the attraction of matter.


If “gravity” were to exist so as to hold the earth in orbit around the sun, then weightlessness could not exist in the void of space. There would be a gravitational gradient from the earth to the sun, and bodies in space would move towards one or the other with unfailing speed. We now know for certain that zero gravity exists only five miles above the earth’s surface. Therefore gravity in space as an attractive force between masses does not exist at all.


Comets and planets do not travel in circular orbits as would have to be the case if they were constrained by a carefully balanced attractive force. They move in irregular elliptical orbits, and wobble quite a lot. Any movement of the earth nearer to the sun from a position of perfect balance would inevitably lead to the earth and sun coming together very quickly indeed. Laplace and Lagrange showed how planetary orbits varied over long periods, returning to their previous orbital paths.


Comets can travel quite close to the sun, and the lightest particles, in their tails, are not attracted by the sun, but are directed away from the sun. (Hooke)  An object circling the sun, thought to be a new comet, was reported in 1996.


The  tides of the sea, circle the earth not once a day, as they would if attracted by a gravitational force from the moon and sun, but twice a day, as can only be explained with an alternative hypothesis. The sea and the atmosphere.


Objects fall to earth at the same speed, irrespective of their mass.


Inertia is not satisfactorily explained by universal gravitation.


Oceans have been found from satellite mapping, to be depressed in the central deeper parts (the opposite of attraction by the gravity of the sun). Diagrams.


The lift of a wing can be increased in air by increased curvature over the upper surface, this has never been explained.


Pluto and its moon, circle each other as well as the sun. All remain in stable orbit never attracted to the planet or the sun!


The sun’s corona is formed of the lightest particles, and these are thrown thousands of miles into space, from within a body of apparently massive gravity.


If gravity existed in the mass of a planet, then the light molecules of gas in the atmosphere would all be attracted onto the surface, and gas could not exist.


The planet Uranus, has rings of dust that remain suspended permanently, along with its moon. This all suspended in space at the most massive distance from the sun. The dust and the moon (Miranda)  have the same ability to remain in permanent orbit. Jupiter also has faint rings of dust thousands of miles across that never coalesce, despite all the particles having an “attractive” gravitational force. Promethius and Pandora, two tiny moons of Saturn, have been straying.


If a spacecraft were influenced by gravity from afar, not only would it continuously speed up, but it would be dragged toward the centre of any planetary body, and it would not be possible to achieve a trajectory that would produce an orbit.


If gravity were to exist upon the earth, then that force must necessarily become less and less toward the centre of the earth, since at the centre of any body, all the mass is outside of the centre. Therefore gravitational pull will force the body out from the centre toward a point of equilibrium. This does not happen, and the pressure upon a body become greater and greater as the centre is approached. Clearly then the force that exists presses towards the centre , and is not a pull from outside. Newton and Hooke had two options, either the apple was pulled down, or it was pushed down. The two men were so determined to prove a point against each other that they forgot any other possibility! Diagrams of the cosmic forces.    Dark matter


The transmission of light without diminution over millions of miles in every direction is clearly impossible if the particle actually travels, since the particle cannot travel in all directions at once. For the light to be passed in such a way the space must be fully occupied by the particles which transmit the light from one to the next, outward from the centre as a ripple or vibration, which can travel almost indefinitely since the particles that vibrate are virtually massles. Even then over millions of light years the waveform will deteriorate, causing a lengthening of the wave, or red shift, a function of the very small mass of the particles of the “dark” matter.


In France the ideas of Descartes and Huygens held sway after Newton for another hundred years or so. Then Einstein seized upon the ideas of Poincaré and ignored those of Maxwell and Fresnel. He would never have been believed except that he predicted the effect of the eclipse upon the starlight, but gave the wrong explanation. Thereafter his most wacky ideas were lapped up although they could not be explained or verified. Many scientists since pretended to understand them, and came up with even more esoteric theories, which will not stand the test of time.


Huygens, Thomas Young and then Doppler showed the waveform of light. This waveform propagates in all directions without apparent diminution in all directions like a ripple in a pond, whereas particulate energy travelling outwards from a single point in space for even a mile, would be so dissipated as to disappear entirely. Imagine a point in the centre of a balloon, being translated into the same point size on the whole of the surface of that balloon. The multiple of the particle to produce the same particulate energy at that surface would be a factor of many millions, even within a few inches.


Newton’s action at a distance was in doubt. Maxwell and Faraday, Faraday and Hertz proposed other forms of radiation that could only be propagated through an ether. The Mitchelson-Morley experiments showed the constant speed of light though the ether, if the ether moves with the planets around the sun, then even allowing for experimental limitations, their experiments prove the existence of the ether, not the absence of it. Lorenz had postulated that light was electromagnetic transmission by particle. Poincaré expounded a theory of relativity in 1905, and Einstein his own theory in 1906.


The discovery in 1965 of the cosmic microwave background, an all pervading radiation thoughout the Universe, polarised, thought to have last interacted with matter 14 billion years ago, shows matter to be evenly spread throughout space.


Einstein’s theory considered motion, and ignored gravity and acceleration. He postulated particles and waves for the transmission of light, but argued that space and time were equivalent, and that mass and energy were equivalent in the most unprovable of all equations, M=EC2 

In 2003, two researchers claimed to have measured the speed of gravity.


Einstein had apparently shown that time was a dimension. This is not so and can be disproved. If time is not an independent variable, then space-time is not as Einstein postulated, and relativity theory does not hold true.


A simple time experiment.

If time is truly independent of events, then time can be applied to events and cause them to vary. If we look at an event that happens with absolute regularity, and can show that it can be altered in any way by the application of time as an independent force or dimension, then time truly has that effect. If we can apply time in a simple manner to a regular but random event, and see a difference, then Einstein may be right. The alternative is simply that time is only a construct of the rate of change as measured by the revolution of the earth around the sun, or by an atomic clock.


Take the movement of a pendulum in a room. If it were to move slowly, would it be possible to move in and out of the room at will and see only the forward movement of the pendulum, and not the backward movement? If the pendulum moves as predicted, its movement can be foreseen by timing it, and it will be possible to see all the forward strokes and none of the backstrokes. This would not be a manipulation of events by time. If however we flip a coin and record how many times it falls as “heads”, and how many are “tails”, then overall, as we all know, the number of each is absolutely equal with the passage of time. Indeed try this yourself and the longer you go on the more even it becomes, there can be a variance up to about a factor of ten, but there is a true oscillation about the mean, and as time progresses, the result is always even. If however we suppose that time is truly a variable, then it can be applied to this process. If the coin is flipped once, it may come down heads. If it comes down tails first, then maybe it will come down heads next. If therefore we flip the coin until we have scored an excess of one occurrence of heads over tails, then we have applied time to the process. If then we go away and come back another day, whilst the process of flipping the coin or rotating a roulette wheel for example, continues, then we should be able to start from a random beginning, and again proceed until there is an excess of one “head”. If overall this process can be continued indefinitely, then time as an independent variable, will be shown to exist. This is much more practical than attempting to exceed the speed of light. When however it is continued over many days and months at random, it always eventually returns to zero, equality.


Time is a measure of what happens and the speed at which a process happens. It is not independent of the process.


Light is the propagation of a wave from one quark or (virtually) massless particle to another at a finite and measurable speed. It has to be measured in time, it cannot be changed by the application of time as a dimension, and is not altered by flying around the universe at infinite speed, or by coming in and out of the time experiment at different moments.


The History of “gravity”.

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle laid the foundations of science and philosophy in the 5th  and 4th centuries BC.

Eudoxus and Heracleides added to Plato’s theory.

Aristotle proposed a theory of matter.


In 300BC. Euclid laid the foundations of geometry, and Archimedes (287-212 BC) theorised on floating bodies.


Ptolemy (127-145) first catalogued the stars and argued the geocentric system.


Copernicus produced his paper on the motion of the heavenly bodies ( the heliocentric system) in 1514.


Bruno (1547-1600) published a treatise on the workings of the universe, based on the Copernican system, in 1583.


Tycho Brahe (1546- 1601) plotted the positions of the stars, but proposed a system of a fixed earth with the planets revolving around the sun.


Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) believed in a divine plan. He realised that mars could not be orbiting the earth, that the planets move in ellipses, and sweep out equal areas in equal time. He also laid the foundation of Newton’s inverse square law with his third law of the period of revolution of a planet.


Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) followed by Benedetti and Stevin (1548-1620), experimented with falling bodies.


Rene Descartes (1596-1650), built a theory of the nature of man and the universe. He described the motion of a body in time and mathematical terms, using algebra for the first time, and described a universe full of infinitely divisible matter, set in motion by God. He conceived of inertia, proposed that the earth does not move relative to the material it is within, and formulated two laws of motion. For a philosopher as obsessed with mechanism as Rene Descartes, the relationship between see able machines and the unseen machinery of God’s cosmos was a matter of the greatest moment.


Gallileo Gallilei (1564-1642), applied mathematics to pendulums, the free fall of bodies, projectiles, and acceleration. He conceived of inertia, refined the telescope, and observing the movement of sunspots, showed the rotation of the sun. He also observed the librations of the moon, but believed that the orbits of the planets must be circular.


Isaac Newton (1643- 1727),first experimented with light and attempted to reproduce the work of Descartes.


Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) developed Descartes ideas of matter and after improving the telescope, saw Saturn’s rings. He analysed the movement of a pendulum, defined inertia, and proposed a theory of gravitation based upon Descartes vortices.

Newton developed a method of calculus, and a theory of universal gravitation. He applied the inverse square law to planetary and cometal movements. He decided that if there was an ether, the movement of planets would be slowed, as would that of a pendulum. He did not consider it possible that the ether might move at the same time, and that only an ether could explain inertia.


Edmund Halley (1656-1742) made observations of the paths of comets, and encouraged Newton to mathematically explain their path. Mathematics of course are devised to calculate and describe reality, not to explain the facts. Newton’s laws thus describe the action of force upon a mass and remain an accurate description, except that planets and objects do not hold to a fixed path, but wobble upon it. Newton actually realised that gravity within the universe would lead to total instability and that the whole would collapse to a solid.


Liebnitz, who independently devised a calculus, disbelieved the idea of gravitation at a distance.

Lagrange (1736-1813) analysed the moon’s motion (relative to the earth) and showed that at some points there is a stable balance between them. This is hardly surprising if the ether rotates with the two bodies.


Laplace (1749-1827) applied the idea of gravitation to the orbits of jupiter and Saturn, showing that they vary with a periodicity of 926 years. Again this slow wobble is better explained by the two moving slowly in an ether. Laplace however, suggested that the planetary systems may have condensed out of a huge gaseous nebula. Like Jupiter and Saturn, the movement of Uranus predicted the existence of Neptune and Pluto, but again the movement of an ether is not thereby discounted. Indeed the orbit of mercury varies on each and every circuit. Dozens of new moons around these planets have recently been discovered.


Michael Faraday (1791-1867), investigated the nature of electricity and magnetism, and its effect upon light. Energy was to be found in the space between the molecules, in the ether.


James Maxwell (1831-1879) showed that electromagnetic waves moved at the speed of light, and could be explained by an ether.


Albert Michelson (1832-1931) devised an experiment with light to test the presence of ether, but assumed that the ether did not move with the earth, which negated the experiment. (using the Michelson-Morley interferometer)


Hendrik Lorenz (1853-1928) together with Zeeman, constructed a single theory for the transmission of light and electromagnetism

Lorenz and


Henri Poincare then developed a theory of relativity, published in 1905. Poincare also postulated gravitational waves. Gravitational waves cannot exist if the ether acts as a true solid, with all incompressible matter (quarks) being in contact. If they were not in contact they would not transmit light or electromagnetism. Because they (quarks) are all of very small, almost negligible mass, they conduct light waves almost indefinitely, the wave form degrading only slightly after many light years (red shift). Gravity is transmitted as a constant pressure wave, that has a gradient near to a body. In proximity to a large body such as a planet, the density of the ether is increased, producing a displacement and “gravitational” pressure or confluence, but this is an even pressure, and the waveform is transverse, not through the ether itself. The change in density of the ether around a planet will result in refraction of the wave, and apparent lensing, that Einstein predicted as showing gravity, yet he said that gravity did not exist, and that this lensing was due to a curve in space. About 90% of the entire mass of the milky way is thought to consist of dark matter.  The galaxy is warped, but there is still no concensus as to what produces the warping.    Nebulae are observed to flow.


Albert Einstein (1879-1955) developed his theory of relativity in 1906, following a paper on Brownian motion, and another on the kinetics of heat.

Einstein set out to show that space and time were the same, since the speed of light is constant; also that mass and energy are equivalent. In 1918 he postulated that gravity is not a force, but a feature of space-time resulting from the curvature of space. Einstein’s view was that if one travelled as fast as light, then light would not be observed, but would stand still. It has since been shown that there can be differences in the speed of light.

Black holes have been predicted as a consequence of very dense matter and gravity being so strong as to prevent the emission of light. Clearly another theory would be necessary to explain a black hole if there is no such thing as gravity, and indeed no black hole has ever been demonstrated. Likewise such phenomena as wormholes and time machines are a figment of imagination, and can never be demonstrated. Uncertainty.


That there is indeed an ether with particles that are in complete contact, can be explained in a simple analogy. Suppose that there is a line of cars (separate particles) travelling in a traffic queue. There is then a slowing of any one car to a halt or almost to a halt. You will find that every succeeding car is forced to come to a halt also, and further, that when the car that initially slowed, speeds up again, it moves ahead, yet the cars behind still also come to a halt before the way is clear and they can speed up again. The only way that this does not happen is if the cars are all connected together by solid towbars, as though they are a railway train. Only if the cars or bodies are fixed together can there be a transmission wave along its length. Thus it can be seen that to transmit a wave in the ether the particles of the ether must all be in contact and fixed ever so slightly to each other.


This raises the possibility of structure within the ether. It is then possible to postulate that human memory and spirit is constructed of the same ethereal matter, and that there is indeed a world (heaven)outside of the molecular one. Particles.   With Quantum entanglement there seems to be an interlaced structure. The first data from the Wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe have now been released. (WMAP)


More history



The galaxies are known to move and rotate in space in reaction to the dark matter. That dark matter is composed of almost massless particles, which are packed together and act as a cohesive solid, forcing atoms together into spherical bubbles that float through the ether or circulate in Descartes’ vortex. The ether is denser around the planets so producing a greater displacement force upon a larger body. The transmission of light and other waveforms are radial vibrations of that medium. Refraction of light occurs at an angle to a medium of a different density, and as the density of the ether itself is greater when displaced by a planet or star, then again that light passing close by it is refracted or lensed by the circular body. Time is a measure of events and is invariable except that events and processes can speed up or slow down, nevertheless time is only a marker of any one process proceeding against another. Space appears infinite, and has no discernable margin.


Human spirits and souls can exist in the ether independently of molecular structure. That we take our human experience with us for the future should make us much more fearful of our current behaviour than we are.


GOD was not born in a “big bang”, God’s Universe is INFINITE. It is man who cannot conceive of infinity in time and space and has produced theories to cover up his lack of comprehension. There were only two possibilities for space, either it is infinite or it came from nothing. There were two possibilities for life, either it is a random collection of meaningless molecules, or else everything is created. There were only two possibilities for gravity, it is an attractive force at infinite distance which cannot even be detected, or it is the result of the pressure of the vast quantity of matter that is virtually massless and fills the whole of the universe. Heaven, God and the spirit are safe and well, and have physical structure that he now wishes us to understand.


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