Quayside Austin Row*2 

The Coalmeters

Poppinjay Row*2


Rows 57 61 link

Row 61 map

Yarmouth has in times past been prominent in Parliamentary business. Many acts have been passed relating to our Haven, our fishery, and our coals.*2  Formerly coals arriving by ship were taxed, and the corporation appointed official stevedores or meters,  these men engaged a  number of coal heavers  to unload the cargoes. In 1829 there were 32 coal meters  in the town. A tavern of that name was at the north‑west corner. Special attention is drawn to the flint houses, nos. 7, 8 and 9 on the south side.   

Row no. 61, from the quay to Howard Street, called the Quay Austin row, because it led to the above mentioned cell  of the Augustin friars.*1


At the south-west corner was a house occupied by the National Provincial Bank. It stood on ground which, as to the front  part,  was occupied by a house having  a  cut‑flint front, in common with those adjoining it to the south. The  house  was  early  in the  18th. century called "The Popinjay", but was afterwards a private residence  in  the  occupation  of  John  Onley,  who died in 1740, aged 54, the house after being occupied by his widow, Judith, daughter of Samuel Wakeman. Upon her death in 1781, the house  was sold to George Gooch, a highly popular tradesman, who converted the ground  floor into a boot and shoemakers shop, and let the first floor as lodgings.

Mariners Tavern

The  back  part  of  the premises in 1876 were on the site of another public house, which was called the "Rope dancers", and afterwards in 1784, the "Blue Anchor".


In 1808 the houses  both  front and back were  taken  down,  and  the  present  house  erected. There was then a handsome verandah and balcony in front ‑ now removed.  He  married Henrietta Maria, daughter of Sir Edmund Lacon, and died at Bedford, aged 68, in 1848. In 1832 the house was  purchased by Samuel Palmer, Mayor of Yarmouth in 1840, 1842, 1845. He married Augusta Burton, youngest daughter of Thomas Burton, and died in 1850 from  the  effects  of an accident on the Southtown Road, having been thrown from his carriage, aged 40. He was buried at Loddon church. Mr.William  Wilshere was an M.P. for Yarmouth in place of Col.Anson, and represented Gt.Yarmouth 1937 to 1947. He was induced to be candidate largely by Sam. Palmer, and frequently was a guest at this house.  


The  Southtown  Road  has  always  been  over congested  and  certainly  a   deathtrap until  the recent opening of the Breydon road bridge. One of our  young nursing sisters  from  the James Paget Hospital was knocked off her  moped on the Southtown Road in  1982,  and as a result of severe head injuries  was  forced  to retire from nursing despite a valiant attempt to return to her work.  


The 1936 row survey has a description prior to row 71, which is titled  row 51, but that has already been described, and this must refer to row  61 ‑  "Warehouse  on  south  side,  fair  house  on north side, set  back, "Canister  House" on south side, two storey  building, large sash barred windows, basement or cellars, and attics. Pilastered entrance door. Good open court clear of sheds, privies etc. A house worth retaining, after the style of Nash ‑ plastered and painted".     


The Occupants, Row Sixty One, 1886

( from  Howard Street to Hall Plain )

Waters, R.

Smith, Mrs.

Tomkins, Mrs.

Parkerson, J., manufacturing jeweller

Palmer, R.

Pretty, Mrs.

Bean, W., chimney sweep

Camp, B.

Ablitt, G.

Maidstone, J.

Simmons, J.


The Occupants, Row Sixty One, 1913

( from  Howard Street South to Hall Quay)

North Side

Harman, George

Hand, Christopher

Brown, George

McLay, Robert

Berry, Charles

Palmer, Edward Everett


South side

Mayman, Frederick

Wright, William

Colman, Frederick Charles

Nash, William

Howes, John

Platten, Thomas William


The Occupants, Row Sixty One, 1927

( from  Howard Street South to Hall Quay)

North Side

1. Jones, Walt.

2. Nudd, Daniel, David

2a. Brown, George

3. Catlin, Mrs.

5. Smith, Albert George


South side

6. Balls, Samuel

7. Cubitt, Henry

8. Cubitt, Harry Jun.

9. Nash, William

11. Howes, John


The Occupants, Row Sixty One, 1936

( from 68 Howard Street South to Hall Quay)

North side

2a. Smith, Edward

3. Smith, Albert

South side

6. Cutting, Mrs.

7. Cubitt, Henry

8. Smith, Stanley

9. Nash, William, apartments

11. Stanford, Mrs.P.