ROW TWENTY THREE  (Palmer gives no name)     

Tooke the Baker's Row, 1826    (Johnson)   



Rows 21 - 39 link

Row Twenty Three map


From George Street to Charlotte Street.

There were a few old houses still in the row in Palmer's time. Row 23 had been demolished prior to the Row Survey in 1936.

A property in this row at no. 20, was advertised for auction on 12th. July 1894, at the "Star" Hotel, by Thomas Cranmer. It was one of thirty residences for sale upon the death of Mr.William Wright Wright. This is typical of the type of ownership of row property. Generally a landlord had built up a sizeable holding, and rented all the property out. Number 20 was a brick and tile built cottage containing five rooms with cellar and outbuildings. At the time, the property to the east was owned by Mr. Knowles, and that on the west was owned by Mr. George. No. 23 was rented by Thomas Stanton at a rent of £6-10s a year, payable weekly, with the landlord paying the rates.


The Occupants, Row Twenty Three, 1886

(From Howard Street north to George Street)

Hayes, A., lodging house keeper

Smith, Mrs.

Newby, H.

Fenn, J., labourer

Bowles, Mrs.

Harvey, A.

Whitby, Mrs.

Yarham, Mrs.

Goffin, Mrs.

Griffin, W.

Patridge, R., fish house

Burwood, H.

Warden, Mrs.

Blowers, J.

Mc.Donnell, R.

Smith, J., shoemaker

George, J., smacksman

Read, Mrs.

Fisher, Mrs.

Coney, J.

Holmes, R.


The Occupants, Row Twenty Three, 1913


(From 64 Howard Street north to George Street)

North side

1. and 2. White, George, lodging house

5. Brown, Joseph

5a. Harvey, Edward, fish curer (same fish house as Mr.Partridge in 1886?)

6a. Culley, Mrs.

6. Bulley, Edward

7. Prettyman, Joseph  John

8. Gosling, Frederick William

9. Cohen, Henry

10. Warden, William

11. Addy, Benjamin


South side

13. Bales, John

15. Beales, Mrs.

16. Harvey, Josiah

17. Smith, Mrs.

18. Hanton, George

20. Harris, Arthur

21. Long, John

22. Thompson, Lewis Frederick


The Occupants, Row Twenty Three, 1927

(From 64 Howard Street north to George Street)


North side

1.  Goreham, William Feargus

2. Harrod, Mrs.

3. Ellis, Isaac

4. Colman, Edward

5. Brown, Joseph

5a. Culley, Mrs.

5b. Crooks, Charles

6. Cushion, Miss

7. Gown, Joseph

8. Gosling,  Frederick William

9. Halsey,  George

10. Woodhouse,  Miss Mabel

11. Stone,  Edward


South side

13. Warden, William

14. Roberts, Mrs.

15. Beales, Mrs.

16. Canwell, Mrs.

17. Dullimore, Mrs.

20. Wigg, Benjamin C.

21. Arthur, Archibald

22. Harrington, Herbert Walter