(no additional names by Johnson)     

Rows 21 - 39 link page

Row Thirty One map

Palmer said that it was not known why this row was so called. Beneath a cottage on the south side was a small vault of great antiquity, and in the house above was a cupboard built in an ancient and spacious chimney. The chimney measured seven foot eight inches across and had a spandrel on either side. Johnson wrote that: "Palmer could not give a reason for the name of this row.

His own volumes in the reference library contain some excellent sketches in colour of the arches and cellars discovered in 1865. Piggot's directory for 1830 announces "Thomas Cassidy the tailor of Nine Parish Row."

Today, in 1995, this row is still in existence, although only a few Victorian terraced houses remain. The north side of the row is taken up by warehouses on the Conge, standing on ground left open throughout the war, after clearance in 1936-7. The terraced houses are now numbered 18-23, but were not so numbered at the turn of the century when there were 34 family houses here. George Street itself was re-numbered several times, but the house at the north-east corner was listed as no. 91 George Street in 1926. Some of the modern flats in Patterson Close, nos. 15 and 16 are effectively part of this row. The ancient archways found in Palmer's time under a cottage here, were drawn by Winter, and the drawings are still to be found within Palmer's unique old personal copies of his Perlusration, that are to be found in store in the Central Library. Were these wine vaults? And could there still be some archaeology underneath the ground here, perhaps buildings belonging to the White Friars Monastery?


In the Row Survey of 1936‑ "In this row is the rear, and the wing of, a large building which seems to front a secondary row off Row No. 34. It is a tall house,  now divided into 3 or 4 tenements, which seems to be structurally sound. Beside this house, towards Row 34 is a small garden. It seems that 24 and 25 in  Row 31 were part of this old house. In Row 31, nos. 8 and 9 were also fair houses with well‑ proportioned sash windows and with a brick string‑course between the first and  ground floors. It was considered that nos. 30 and 31 could become good houses again if cleared of out-growths in the rear courts".


The Occupants, Row Thirty one, 1886

(From  George Street to North Quay)

Miller, Mrs.

Milligan, W., mariner

Salter, G., labourer

Shreeve, R., bricklayer

Moore, J., bricklayer

Sprunt, J., fisherman

Hall, Miss

Dye, Mrs.C.

Nicholls, J., Labourer

Willshaw, T.

Dodd, W.D., fisherman

George, J., fisherman

Folkes, Mrs.M.A.

Dye, D.

Stevenson, Mrs.

Spicer, Mrs.

Buxton, J.

Gosling, E.

Miller, Mrs.

Amis, J.

Clarke, Mrs.

Symonds, Mrs.

Cottson, J., sweep

15. Roberts, B., bricklayer

16. Moulton, J., labourer

17. Smith, J.

The Occupants, Row Thirty one, 1913

(From  91 George Street to North Quay)

North side

1.and 2. Gardiner, William Ernest, shopkeeper

3. Thompson, Ernest

....Shreeve Passage....

4. White, George

5. Moore, James

6. Batley, Mrs.

7. Weston, William

8. Todd, Mrs.

9. Hopwood, George William

10. Wilson, Isaac

10a. Lemon, Miss

11. Estcourt, Edwin

12. Bunn, John

12a. Bracey, Thomas

13. Brown, Alfred

14. Gravner, Alfred

17. Howes, Alfred George

South side

18. Johnson, John

19. Carter, Ernest

20. Nichols, Mrs.

21. Jones, William

22. Farrell, Henry

23. Milligan, Thomas

24. Saunders, Charles Edward

25. Dawson, Abraham

27. Allright, Thomas

28. Wright, Henry

29. Bammant, Arthur

30. Kelsey, James

31. Wall, Mrs.

32. Gosling, Mrs.

33. Gutteridge, Albert

35. Broom, Charles, John

36. Burton, John

37. Bayfield, Sidney

38. Gage, Mrs.

39. Jones, Charles Henry

The Occupants, Row Thirty one, 1927

(From  91 George Street to North Quay)

North side

1. Gardiner, William Ernest

2. Turner, Mrs.

3. Harding, William

....Shreeve Passage....

4. Thompson, Ernest

5. Bunn, John

6. Westgate, Frederick

7. Bayfield, Ernest, snr.

9. Hopwood, George, Robert

10a. Bales, Mrs.

10. Gown, Miss

11. Estcourt, Mrs.

11a. Knowles,  Mrs.

12. Thompson, Joseph

13. Whiley, Robert

14.  Brown, Alfred James

16. Fields, mineral water manufacturers

17. King, Mrs.

South side

18. Johnson, John

19. Howes, Mrs. May

22. Farrow, Henry

23. Milligan, Thomas

24. Saunders, Charles Edgar

25. Bloomfield, Mrs.

27. Wright, John William

28. Carter, William John

29. Watlow, John

30. Macdonald, Frederick

32. Johnson, William G.

33. Gutteridge, Albert

34. Chambers, Clarence

35. Allright, Thomas

36. Savage, Robert William

37. Sutton, Joseph

38. Gedge, Mrs.

39. Underwood, George Charles


The Occupants, Row Thirty one, 1936

(From  91 George Street to North Quay)

North side

1. Gardiner, William Ernest

2. Jones, Alfred Frederick

3. Neville, Charles

....Shreeve Passage....

4. Thompson, Ernest

5. Allright, Thomas

6. Westgate, Frederick

7. Bayfield, Ernest, snr.

9. Hopwood, George, Robert

10a. Balls, Edward

10b. Gown, Miss

11. Estcourt, Mrs.

12. Thompson

12a. Bean, Robert

13. Yaxley, George

14.  Brown, Alfred James

17. Varley, Joseph


South side:

18. Johnson, John

19. Howes, Mrs. May

20. Nichols, Miss

21. Howes, Alfred

22.Reynolds, Harry George

23. Milligan, Thomas

24. Estcourt, Victor

25. Bloomfield, Mrs.

27. Folkes, Edward

28. Carter, William John

29.Nichols, Reginald

30. Macdonald, Frederick

32. Johnson, William G.

33. Gutteridge, Albert

34. Chambers, Clarence

35. Kelf, Harry

36. Savage, Mrs.

37. Thrower, Edward

38. Howard, Charles

39. Underwood, George, Charles