Mark Blower's Row, 1828*2

Norman, The Cabinet Maker's, 1804*2



Rows 21 - 39 link

Row Thirty Nine map


Row thirty nine ran from  George  Street  to  Charlotte  Street,  and was called  Blower's  Row,  from  the house and shop in Charlotte Street, long occupied by Mark Blowers, upholsterer, who in due course moved to Reading, where he died, aged 80. 


On  the north side there were some old Malthouses  which in the 18th century were the property of Barry Love. Also there were  some fish offices, the property of Jeffery Ward, which were converted into Malthouses, and became the property of William Manning.


The house and shop at the south‑east corner were at the commencement of the 19th century, occupied  by Mr.Beckham, a grocer and the father  of  Lieut.Col.Beckham,  who served under Wellington in France.*1


"At  one  period malthouses and  fish‑curing  houses  were  in  this  row.  Norman's today have extensive premises in the Market Place. This row has a lofty east entrance.  St.Steven's  Mission  Rooms  occupy  the site at the north‑east corner. The four wooden posts attached to  the north wall are a  feature  just  disappearing  in Yarmouth. These served to  protect  the houses and doorsteps when the Yarmouth trolley, drawn by a horse, used the rows as thoroughfares".*2   


In 1994, the directoe, Terry Norman, is descended of Simon Norman the founder. It is said that he started the business here in 1820 after six years apprenticeship as a cabinet maker, assisted in the new business by his son Simon John, whose sons Simon Clover, Thomas and George followed in time into the same business. The first mentioned Simon was said to have been born in 1755, although if that is so he must have been quite elderly when he started the business.*3


This row was not mentioned in the 1936 survey. 


 Mrs.Gladman was the last resident in 1952, on the south side at no.14, and had gone by 1955.                                 


*1 Palmer (P.P. vol.I.p.240).

*2 Johnson

*3 ref.G.Y.M. 24/6/94.






The Occupants, Row Thirty Nine, 1886

(From Howard Street North to George Street)

Moore, G., porterNorman, J., smacksman

Stanhall, J.H.

Rumbold, J.

Barton, G., labourer

Crisp, Mrs.

Durrant, S., fisherman

Leggett, Mrs.

Plummer, H.

Chapman, C., labourer

Barrow, H.



The Occupants, Row Thirty Nine, 1913

(From 46 Howard Street North to George Street)



North side

1. Bartram, Mrs.

2. Rolfe, Edward

3. Spurge, George

4. Lee, Arthur William

5. Claxton, Frederick

6. Mollett, Walter

7. Bean, Robert



South side

9. Rawlings, Harry

11. Mitchell, Charles

12. Bailey, Mrs.E.

12a. Mortimer, Mrs.

14. Tungate, Mrs.

15. Johnson, Frederick






The Occupants, Row Thirty Nine, 1927

(From 46 Howard Street North to George Street)

North side

1. Layen, William George

2. Everitt, Edgar Charles

3. Spurge, George

4. Everitt, William George

5. Hannant, William

South side

6. Blyth, Arthur

7. Mallett, Dennis

8. Crane, Frank George

9. Thompson, Ernest

11. Anderson, Arthur

12.Bailey, Mrs.E.

12a. Riley, George

13. Huke, Mrs.

14. Beck, Mrs.

15. Pillow, Charles

15a. Rising, George



The Occupants, Row Thirty Nine, 1936

(From 46 Howard Street North to George Street)

North side

1. Layen, William George

2. Gladden, Mrs.

3. Spurge, George

4. Hanton, Mrs.

5. Starling, Eric

South side

6. Thompson, Frederick

7. Bishop, James John

8. Benjafield, Walter Horace

9. Smith, Robert

10. Sinclair, John

11. Anderson, Arthur

12. Bailey, Mrs. E.

13. Huke, Mrs.

14. Richardson, Bert

15. Childs, Arthur

15a. Bean, Edward John

pictures of Arthur Patterson and  co