ROWS 14 AND 15*1

14- Gaymour's Meeting (North)Row 1806*2

15- Bett's Meeting South Row 1834 *2


Rows 1- 20 link

Rows Fourteen and Fifteen map



Ed.Gaymour was minister at the Baptist meeting house in 1806 in Row 14. *2   

A Baptist Chapel was midway on the north side of Row 15. The Rev. J. Green, minister, was  summonsed  in 1854 at the Police Court (Tolhouse) for causing an obstruction near to the suspension bridge (preaching?). Rows Fourteen and Fifteen led from George Street to Church Plain. Between them*1 stood a Meeting House belonging  to the Particular or Calvinistic Baptists  who established themselves there in the eighteenth century. They were given two houses by William Jolly in his Will (1783), one of which abutted upon George Street, and which had in 1697 been the property of William Lovewell. They subsequently obtained other houses in the same locality which enabled them to erect a  Meeting  House, the Trusts of which were declared by Deed enrolled in 1789.  The Chapel was dismantled in 1870 and the site added to the adjoining Brewery. In  1668*3  Row 14 was established, but rows 15, 16, and 19 were the gardens between rows 14 and  19.  In 1722 these were all typical residential rows, except that the Calvinistic Baptists primarily owned the west end. Later all these rows were absorbed into the substantial brewery premises.


This row was not mentioned in the 1936 Survey.

*1 Palmer

*2 Johnson

*3 see 1668 map

The Occupants, Row Fourteen, 1886

(from 10 Church Plain to George Street)

North side

Annison, W., smacksman

Chaney, W., Smacksman

Smith, H.

Tuck, G., fish hawker

Benstead, Mrs.

Turrell, J., labourer

Green, Mrs. M.A.

Cook, W., labourer

Gedge, J., carter

Dimant, J., labourer

Linder, T.

Chase, R.

The Occupants, Row Fourteen, 1913

(from 10 Church Plain to George Street)

North side

1. Annison, William

2. Slack, Frederick

3. Rackham, Mrs.

4. Smowton, William

7. Bessey, Henry

7. Allen, Ernest


The Occupants, Row Fourteen, 1927

(from 10 Church Plain to George Street)

North side

1. Denny, Samuel

2. Boast, George John

3. Rackham, Fred. Alfred

4. Lubbock, Mrs.

5. Johnson, John

7. Nickerson, Charles


The Occupants, Row Fourteen, 1936


(from 10 Church Plain to 11 George Street)

North side:


1. Nickerson, Mrs. Elizabeth

2. Boast, George John

3. King, Robert Harry

4. Rogers, Robert Harry

5. Johnson, John



The Occupants, Row Fifteen, 1886


(from  Church Plain to George Street

Leggett, C.

Savory, Mrs.

Smith, H.

Bensley, Mrs.

Trett, W.

Trett's mineral water works


The Occupants, Row Fifteen, 1913

By 1913, this row had been built over by the brewery