ROW FIVE -    SPLIT GUTTER ROW*1                                                             

Split Gutter Row*2

Chapman's Row*2       


Rows 1- 20 link

Row 5 map


This runs between "the Fruit  Basket",  with it's Dutch gable, and Sidney Cook, the Butcher's. This row was called  Split Gutter Row because of the wide gutter that ran down the centre.  William  Butcher  is  said to have resided in this row when Mayor, in 1753. He died in 1779  at the ripe old  age  of 82. There were never very many residences in this row.

From a very early time the south  side  of the row was taken up by a very large malthouse which filled the whole space across  to  row 6. This malthouse became even bigger by 1906, and the houses already described fronting onto Cross Row between rows 5 and 6, were demolished.*1


Hugh Bourne, a pioneer of  Methodism, lodged in this row. Note the pretty gable fronting the street at the north-east corner.*2                          

This row was not mentioned in the 1936 survey.


There is a photograph of a row party held on the occasion of the silver jubilee of George V and Queen Mary. This party was held between rows 4 and 5 and many of the occupants of row 4 were  there,  (see photo, in description of row 4) but in the 20's and 30's there were  only  two dwellings remaining in row 5, those  of Harry Fowell at no.2, and Harry Kirby at no.8. Neither of these families were represented at the row party as far as is known.                                                        

*1 Palmer, 1874

 *2 Johnson,1927


Row Five,  Occupants,  1886:

from  Northgate Street


1.  Scales, W., fisherman

2.  Harwood, Mrs.

3.  King, J.

4.  Harmer, J., labourer

5.  Breeze, J.

6.  Green, W.

7.  Johnson, J.

8.  Pigney, R., labourer 

9.  Bagness, C.

10.  George, J.,  fish hawker

Row Five,  Occupants,  1913:

from  Northgate Street

2.  Kember, Mrs..

5.  Stebbens, Mrs.

6.  Balls, Edward

7.  Westgate, Frederick

8.  Colman, Edward

8a.  Wall, William

Row Five,  Occupants,  1927:

from  Northgate Street

2.  Fowell, Harry

8.  Kirby, Harry Charles

Row Five,  Occupants,  1936      

from  Northgate Street

2.  Fowell, Harry

8.  Kirby, Harry Charles