The Rumble Family Register

Computer Files

Although you are looking at a CD Rom version, the original register files by John Fall are on the disk:-


The Rumble Family Register comprises various sections such as title pages, introductory section with foreword, acknowledgments and how to use the book, a chronology, an alphabetical register of those in the book, a small photographic album, a detailed register and an index. All these, apart from the photos in the album (which are physical bromides) are on computer files.

The project was started using WordPerfect 5.1, formatted for use with a Hewlett Packard LaserJet IIIP printer, using internal printer fonts (CG Times and Univers) for the main text. Glyphix type I graphic fonts were used extensively (Particularly Letter Gothic in the family charts.)

When WordPerfect 6.0 became available most of the text was converted to that format. With this, MoreFonts type 1 graphic fonts were also used, particularly for title pages and ornamentation. Several Clip-Art images were also used from various graphic presentation collections.

The body of the work comprises the detailed register. This is formatted with two parallel columns - a narrow left-hand column used for notes, and a wider right-hand column for text.

If computer files are converted to other formats, some or all of this formatting may be lost. Best result will be obtained if used with a WordPerfect 6.0 program.

Wordperfect 8 will convert even the lineage charts correctly, then after saving in that format, M S Word will import and save correctly as a web page that anyone can view.

The Files

The files are arranged on seven 3.5" HDD disks. They have extension .WP6 or .WP5 for WordPerfect 6.0 or 5.1 formats. The files on each disk are as follows:


ACKNOWL1 WP6 56,665 05-22-94 11:08a

BELONGC WP5 27,133 12-10-93 4:38p

BELONGD WP6 22,732 01-08-94 8:01p

CHRNTIT1 WP6 31,403 05-16-94 11:45a

CHRNTIT2 WP6 34,064 05-16-94 11:38a

CHRONOL WP5 117,834 07-09-94 6:10a

CONTENTS WP6 27,517 05-22-94 1:54p

DOROTHY WP5 26,315 05-16-94 10:23a

ERIC WP5 31,267 07-12-94 11:33a

FAMCHT0 WP5 13,183 06-21-93 1:50p

FAMCHT1 WP6 31,310 05-15-94 1:20p

FAMCHT2 WP6 22,019 05-15-94 4:27p

FAMNOTES WP6 37,254 05-12-94 5:25p

FILES WP6 14,060 05-23-94 10:29a

FOREWD1 WP6 59,363 05-22-94 1:56p

FRONTIS WP6 40,621 05-22-94 6:34a

HOCHEE WP5 21,342 05-16-94 10:47a

HORACE WP5 22,508 05-16-94 8:51a

HOWTOUSE WP6 66,144 05-22-94 11:50a

HUMFR1 WP5 20,671 05-16-94 6:58a

HUMFR2 WP5 22,991 05-16-94 7:04a

HUMFREY WP5 20,061 05-16-94 9:49a

INDEX WP6 178,120 05-21-94 9:41p

KNIGHT WP5 31,565 05-16-94 8:40a

MAUDE WP5 18,419 07-10-94 5:07p

PHOTOS WP6 83,587 03-24-94 2:07p

PHYLLIS WP5 47,343 05-16-94 10:02a

R12002 WP6 177,610 06-30-94 4:42p

README ASC 9,438 17-07-94 8.03a

README WP6 56,550 17-07-94 8.04a


R12END WP6 208,324 05-22-94 1:04p

R13001M WP6 554,101 05-22-94 1:07p

R13041 WP6 209,935 05-22-94 1:13p

R13END WP6 221,518 04-06-94 8:57p

R14004 WP6 204,082 06-30-94 8:42p


R14046 WP6 212,286 04-09-94 9:26p

R14092 WP6 166,343 04-10-94 4:39p

R14END WP6 225,581 04-11-94 4:09p

R15010 WP6 267,754 04-14-94 2:30p

R15013 WP6 238,356 04-23-94 8:47p

R15015 WP6 222,816 07-11-94 8:10a


R15016 WP6 208,038 04-26-94 7:40p

R15END WP6 221,897 04-28-94 3:25p

R16010 WP6 287,524 04-30-94 3:35p

R15087 WP6 156,249 06-30-94 4:49p

R16007 WP6 291,136 07-11-94 8:14a


R16013 WP6 245,601 05-02-94 8:50a

R16017 WP6 254,007 05-03-94 6:57a

R16END WP6 237,111 05-12-94 4:02p

R16021 WP6 298,089 07-07-94 8:13p


R17033 WP6 347,157 05-09-94 8:35p

R17063 WP6 225,537 05-21-94 7:46a

R17070 WP6 206,573 05-12-94 3:46p

R17END WP6 131,638 05-14-94 9:19a

R18END WP6 318,019 07-03-94 2:37p


AUSMAP WP6 17,965 17-07-94 7.16a

REGALPHA WP6 281,309 06-30-94 4:47p

REGTIT04 WP6 24,987 05-22-94 2:11p

REGTIT1 WP5 12,763 08-04-93 8:20p

REGTIT2 WP6 24,161 05-14-94 7:22p

REGTIT3 WP6 26,584 05-14-94 7:18p

RUMBLE WP5 36,253 05-16-94 6:44a

STATS WP6 42,691 05-14-94 6:16p

TECHDATA WP6 33,735 05-22-94 9:19a

TITL03 WP6 23,564 05-22-94 7:03a

TRE1404H WP5 18,543 03-08-94 8:02a

YOUNG WP5 20,914 06-11-93 3:02p

WAMAP WP6 27,418 16-07-94 2:23p

File sequence and content

The book uses the above computer files in the order given below. (book page numbers are shown in parenthesis on the right.):

Introductory Section

WAMAP WP6 Map of Western Australia (front page)

FRONTIS WP6 Frontis piece: Churchill quotation (backing page)

TIT03 WP6 Front title page i

BELONGD WP6 Family histories are often (ii, backing page i)

BELONGC WPR This book belongs to --

TECHDATA WP6 Technical data (backing page iv)

CONTENTS WP6 Contents page (p1)

FOREWD1 WP6 Foreword (p2,3)

ACKNOWL1 WP6 Acknowledgements (p4,5)

HOWTOUSE WP6 How to use this book (p6,7,8)

CHRNTIT1 WP6 Chronology Title page (p9)

CHRNTIT2 WP6 Chronology backing page (p10)

CHRONOL WP5 The Chronology (p11 - 21)

FAMCHT0 WP5 Family Chart introduction (p22)

FAMCHT1 WP6 Family Chart title 1 (p23)

FAMCHT2 WP6 Family Chart title backing page (p24)

TRE1404H WP5 The Rumble Family Lineage (p25)

Descendancy Charts

The descendancy charts are in WordPerfect 5.1 format. If converted to WordPerfect 6.0, the graphic lines used in the chsart will not align correctly.

Someone needs to print these out and scan them in as graphics so that the formatting is preserved, since already most people won’t have wordperfect 5 (I can supply! – M.R.)

RUMBLE WP5 Rumble (p26-29)

HUMFR1 WP5 Humfrey - 1 (p30)

HUMFR2 WP5 Humfrey - 2 (p31-32)

KNIGHT WP5 Knight (p33-35)

HOCHEE WP5 Hochee (p36-37)

HORACE WP5 Horace & Glovers (p38-39)

ERIC WP5 Eric & Andersons (p40)

ERIC WP5 Eric & Bassetts (p41-42)

MAUDE WP5 Maude & Spencers (p43)

HUMFREY WP5 Humfrey & Loves (p44)

PHYLLIS WP5 Phyllis & Chown (p45)

DOROTHY WP5 Dorothy & Fall (p46-47)

REGTIT1 WP5 The people included in

this Register (Title page) (p48)

The Short Alphabetical Family Register:

REGTIT2 WP6 [a] Title page (p49)

REGTIT3 WP6 [b] Title Backing page (p50)

REGALPHA WP6 [c] The Short Register (p51-79)

STATS WP6 Statistics (p80)

PHOTOS WP6 Family Photo section (p81-86)

(Text for photos and layout, but not the photos themselves)

The Detailed Family Register:

In the detailed entries, each page is demarcated with a HardPage (HPg) break. This section of the book is in the order of generation and family numbers. The FROM TO columns below refer to the starting and ending ID number for entries contained in that file.

--NAME--- --EXT--

REGTIT04 WP6 Detailed register title and backing page (p87 -88)


R12002 WP6 06001AM 12002AF (p89-100)

R12END WP6 12003AM 12055AF (p101-119)

R13001 WP6 13001AM 13001AM (p120-121) (contains large bitmap graphic)

R13041 WP6 13001AF 13041AM (p122-137)

R13END WP6 13041AF 14001AM (p138-150)

R14004 WP6 14001AM 14005AM (p151-173)

R14046 WP6 14005AM 14066AM (p174-188)

R14092 WP6 14066AF 14094AM (p189-199)

R14END WP6 14094AF 14139AF (p200-210)

R15010 WP6 15001AM 15011AM (p211-242)

R15013 WP6 15011AM 15013BM (p243-274)

R15015 WP6 15013BF 15015AF (p275-296)

R15016 WP6 15016AM 15017AM (p297-319)

R15087 WP6 15018AM 15088AM (p320-331)

R15END WP6 15088AM 15155AM (p332-345)

R16007 WP6 16001AM 16007AF (p345-380)

R16010 WP6 16008AM 16010AF (p381-414)

R16013 WP6 16011AM 16014AM (p415-441)

R16017 WP6 16014AM 16018AM (p442-473)

R16021 WP6 16018AM 16029AM (p473-517)

R16END WP6 16029AF 16140AM (p518-529)

R17033 WP6 16141AM 17033AF (p530-561)

R17063 WP6 17034AM 17064AF (p562-579)

R17070 WP6 17064AF 17070AF (p580-601)

R17END WP6 17152AM 17204AF (p602-607)

R18END WP6 18002AF 19002AF (p608-622)

Family Notes and Index

FAMNOTES WP6 8 Blank pages for family notes (p623-630)

INDEX WP6 Social Events & Places index (p631-643)

AUSMAP WP6 Map of Australia (p644 - backs last page of index)